The trial at Application Service Centre Part-I

It is very important to understand that one of the largest components of the total cost of bringing a new drug to the market or Pilot scaling is the cost of Product development and product trial. By associating with us, you can bring down the investment in basic product development and product trial. Our trial…

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Latest advancement in Granulation technology and its future

Pharmaceutical manufacturing technology has gone through a whole lot of changes over the last 5 to 6 decades, especially since the end of World War II. Until the late fifties, pharmaceutical manufacturing technology involved mixing and blending equipment that basically originated from the fields of agriculture, food and chemical industry. Innovation by leaps and bounds…

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Scaling up of Oral Solid Dosage Forms

Any pharmaceutical product that is being developed begins with initial testing or experiment and goes through several iterations before it can be manufactured. In other words, the lifecycle of any well-known product involves the scaling-up process numerous times. However, scaling-up of any manufacturing process has its concerns due to the increase in manufacturing size and…

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Hot Melt Extrusion Process in Pharmaceutical Drug Formulation

Introduction: Formulators rely on science and technology knowledge for solutions to new or existing problems through well-considered combinations of methodologies and approaches that profoundly impact the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. They understand and evaluate the pre-formulation phase, formulation and process development, and post-formulation phases to achieve specific objectives. Hot Melt Extrusion, a prevalent practice in…

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Decoding Evaluation Methods of Pharmaceutical Pelletization

Pharmaceutical Pellets are small, free-flowing, spherical particulates manufactured by the agglomeration of a fine powder, granules of drug substances and excipients using appropriate processing equipment. Pelletization and Granulation are often used interchangeably. However, pelletization technique is considered superior to most techniques that fall under a similar category. Pellets have undoubtedly become a very important type…

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